Passing It On: A Reflection on Generosity and Gratitude

I just want everybody to have that same feeling.
I put people on so they can put people on.
Yeah. I don’t put them on for them to get money.
I don’t put you on to. To make you a mean.
I put you on so you can put somebody else on.
Hmm. If you gotta show somebody,
you gotta teach us talk. Show somebody else how to do it.
If God give me enough,
God gave me more than enough money to take care of me and my kids.
I got enough money to. To provide for them till they die.
Put them in college, put them through college.
I feel like the more I get,
I feel like he giving it to me for a reason.
He giving it to me. So.
Cause, like, I.
Your whole family, everybody,
shit took care of.
Now it’s like,
do this for him. Do this for him.
Do this for him. Some people forget it,
but, you know,
I’m one of the ones that try to stay true, man. Stay pure.