Unbelievable Deal at Walgreens: Five Products for One Cent Each!

Run. Run to Walgreens.
I have one of the best offers for this week.
Yes, you can take these five products for only one cent.
Yes, one cent.
The regular the price 9 99.
9 99 and five dollars for each one.
But today you’re gonna pay only one cent in some Walgreens.
Let me show you how. Look,
this is the deal. You have to pick one game of for the price for 9 99.
This week’s has a promotion
when you buy two you get four dollars for register reward.
Look, I already scan my product 9 99 and we have a three dollar coupon.
And the next one we do one game of this has the price for 9 99.
Has the same promotion.
We already scan a product and we have a three dollar coupon.
And the next one we took two
Colgate toothpaste for the price for four dollars.
Cause a promotion this week when you buy two
you get three dollars or register reward.
Look, we already scan a product the same price four dollars.
And we have a four dollar coupon.
And the last one we took one
hand sanitizer for the price for three dollars.
For this offer we’re gonna use these perks.
Spend 30 and get 10 7 dollars of cash reward.
And this one, spend 30 and get 7 dollars of cash reward.
Let me show you how much you will pay the cashier for this offer.
It’s very easy. It’s 9 99 for the gain.
We pick two, plus 8 for the Colgate,
plus three of the hand sanitizers.
We already passed the booster $30.
Now we discount the coupon.
$6 of gain and $4 of Colgate. Look,
you have to pay the cashier this one $20.
But after you pay this, you’re gonna receive $3 raised,
the reward of Colgate, and four of the gain.
And remember, $14 for our boosters.
Look, minus 2 cents.
This means that it’s totally free.
Yes, these products for free.
This cost you 9 99. But today
you will score this for one cent each.
The best offer for this week.
Remember, it’s someone starting to August 18 to August 24.
Don’t forget to save this video
and share with your friends and your family,
for they can save a lot of money and make this offer to. Look,
this is one of the essential things at the house.
So you will score on this one for only one cent.
Thank you for watching the video
and good luck with your deals.
Let me know if you score on this one.