Mastering the Art of Booking Clients: The Phone Call Technique for Mobile Bartenders

the best way to book clients as a mobile
bartender is getting them on the phone
okay and I know a lot of you guys are
scared of getting on a phone with clients
because you are scared you’re afraid
you’re terrified whatever
listen you’re missing out on bookings
you’re missing out on money
so step 1 get over yourself and
start making phone calls
if you don’t know what to say
you need to come up with a sale script before the phone call
you can practice as many times as you
want with a family member or a friend
or even with yourself in the mirror
like I’ve done multiple times
and if you don’t wanna go through the
hassle of creating your own sales script
cause you don’t know where to start
you can get mine the one that I use for
my company that is linked to my profile
you can customize it to whatever it is
that you want with your company name
or whatever it is that you offer
but you have a base and that way it
makes your life so much easier
and for more information
get the six figure Mobile Bartender ebook
you will have tons of more resources inside of there
if you wanna know more ways on how to market yourself