Memories and Moments: Life at Ormond College

Hi, I’m Lucy.
I’m Ali. I’m Natalie.
I’m Abby. I’m Ella
Xavier Josephine.
This is Delaine. I’m studying a Bachelor of Arts.
I’m studying science. I’m studying maths.
I’m studying Arts, studying Commerce.
Also studying Commerce, studying Bachelor of science,
studying Commerce. What’s your favourite memory since being at Ormond?
I think it’s the like little thing. Honestly.
I think it’s a small thing.
It’s like sitting out on the lawn and sitting in people’s rooms
and just talking for hours,
sitting on the couches with all your friends
and having late night talks.
Those are my favourite moments are really,
I think special three days of literally a party.
So this interview. Um,
I loved Ormond Ball last Sam.
Definitely Owen. We pickin fest,
one of the smokers last year.
It was one of my best memories ever.
And your favourite location here at moment?
Um, definitely lawn.
I’m picking lawn. Picking lawn.
Definitely picking lawn. Honestly,
maybe picking. I love picking.
People run around playing sports.
Yeah. And when it’s sunny,
it’s really nice. It is definitely JCR,
which is our junior common room.
They have great coffee. JCR,
love to say the dining hall
favourite place at Ormond has to be my room.
Like I love it. I got tons of posters up,
lots of decorations. Um,
it’s amazing. You should,
you should come check it out one day.