Guide to Making Money on TikTok Without Capital: Niche Selection, Content Creation, and Affiliate Programs

No capital, no stock, no investment, no office. All you need is your phone, internet connection, and your TikTok app, right? So let’s say this is you and you want to make money on TikTok, but you don’t have any capital or you don’t want to do any investment.

What you’re going to do, you’re going to set up your TikTok account. TikTok account, right? So after setting up your TikTok account, you’re going to niche down, right? So as you set out your TikTok account, you need to niche down.

So what are the top niches that you can niche down into that will make you a lot of commissions and a lot of money? They are wealth, right? 2, relationship, 3, health and 4, manifestation, the easiest, right? Why do we choose this? Because these are the top niches when you look at most the fear programs that really work through with this strategy, these are the top niches, right?

So after niching down, you can choose any of these niches. After niching down, you can find a topic, right? Find a topic from the niche, right? Find a topic on any of the niches, right? Find a topic.

After finding a topic, now, right here, when you’re setting up your TikTok, you need to put into consideration the username, right? The name, the bio, and the profile picture, right? They’re all supposed to be, they’re all supposed to be matching that niche that you’ve chosen to do, right? The niche, right? They should focus on the niche. So after doing this, what you’re going to do when you’re setting up your TikTok.

There are some those and those that you need to do or to know. For example, no VPN, avoid VPN, our consistency. What else? Avoid logging in and out. Logging in and out in different devices, right?

Then the other thing that you need to avoid, more than one TikTok account than one TikTok account, right? Account in one phone. So these are the main things that you need to understand. So after choosing the niche and you’ve set it very well, there’s some websites that are going to need website that you’re going to do to make your faceless content, for example, pixels onto fix a, B, which apps are you going to need to make content?

You’ll need a CapCut, you need a Canva, you need the YouTube app to also help you, right? Then here you need the coupling, toppling, right? UPS and UPS. So this is enough for you to make your first $10,000.

After understanding that you need to start setting up your content and you need to do a 30 days challenge, right? So what happens is that before actually you do a Saturday challenge, you need to choose an affiliate program, right? Affiliate program. So for example, you can either choose from any of this. We have Amazon, we have Digital 24, we have Alie Express, we have Clip Bank, we have seller, and so many others, right?

So there are so many that list is in this. So for your Thursday’s challenge, what you’re going to do, you’re going to start making three to five videos a day, right?

Three to five videos a day. So as you’re making your videos, you start noticing, what you’re going to notice is that the more you’re consistent, you will start to see some videos picking up, right? You’ll see some videos picking up. You’ll see some videos picking up. You will see some videos picking up, but they will only pick up if you’ve niche down, right?

So as some videos pick up, you’ll eventually see, you’ll eventually get a viral video, right? Because this is how the TikTok algorithm works. Once you get a viral video. Now this viral video will help some of other videos to get much more beta views. And by this time, the time you get a viral video, it means that you already have over 1,000 followers, right?

And the moment you notice the 1,000 followers, what you need to do is to set up your landing page. Set up the landing page. When you set up the landing page, get the link for the offers that you want to promote and put the links in the landing page. And in this case, we shall use top link as a landing page. Then you publish this top link and you get a link for top link and you put it on the TikTok profile, right?

So after doing that, you just have to remain consistent and you need to make sure that you understand how to use hooks in your content. Hooks need to understand how to use captions, understand how to use hashtags, understand how to use training sounds, trending sounds, understand how to use hooks, trending sounds, hashtags, how to use titles at the beginning, right? So after understanding this, all you need to do is to remain, sorry, CTAs, don’t forget city. What is CTA means? Called action.

Then all you need is consistency. And in few months you’ll have your 10,000. So if you can make your 10,000, it means that you can also make 50,000.

So if you want to know step by step on how you can do this, then what you need to do is to comment. I’m interested in the comments to show you how. And don’t forget to check link in bio 4 step by step tutorial mentorship.