Uncool Games: The Achilles’ Heel of the Gaming Industry

the one thing that’s worse in the games industry than being a bad game
is being an uncool game.
The worst thing you could possibly have for your live service game
is if it is uncool. And if you’re gonna get teased for playing it.
And that’s where you’re at right now.
I mean, you see somebody come into chat and they’re like, oh,
I actually play a lot of Suicide Squad,
kill the Justice League, and they get bullied haha.
I mean, people are like,
what’s wrong with you?
What kind of car accident were you in that made you enjoy that game?
You know, people start teasing you about it.
And that’s because gaming is ultimately a social thing.
And so even if this game Concord,
even if it is a good game,
even if it is mechanically sound and runs great
and is really well balanced,
even if all that stuff is true,
it won’t change the fact that it is uncool.
there’s gonna be a lot of people that just don’t bother playing it
because they just don’t want to to do that.
They’ll stick to the game they currently play.
Cause again,
every time there’s a barrier to entry to getting into a game,
that’s one more reason for people not to play it.
And when you’re in such a crazy competitive industry,
you cannot stand to have any reason for somebody not to play your game.