Mastering Hinge: Top Tips for Creating a Stellar Dating Profile and Attracting Quality Matches

I know you wanna have better dating app experiences. Don’t worry, we’re on like part 4 of this. So let me tell you how to do. So. I’ve been sharing some of my top tier tips for hinge. And let me tell you, I had the best dating experiences, hands down, the best time, greatest guys.

Let me tell you a little, two more secrets here, girls. Your profile is probably not set up to match with your dream man. Let me tell you, your profile is your resume. You’re selling yourself. You’re marketing yourself to these men. And they have what seems to them and their mind like unlimited options. Additionally, those apps definitely have algorithms in place that help to match people for a. So you’re not just being matched with every available guy near you who maybe meet some of the qualifications. You’re also being put up against other people and compared to see, oh, let’s make sure we send this girl the right person. So you want your profile to reflect what you wanna see as well.

And I’m hoping that as we’re talking about this, ladies, we are pursuing men of a certain caliber. As I’ve been saying, we are pursuing good, kind hearted, hopefully Christian, faith based, amazing men who have great jobs, great families, have nice hobbies, all the things, right.

Well, guess what? That guy wants to see a woman who also has those qualities and qualifications. So you need to consider one. This person wants to have fun conversation. They wanna be intrigued.

A little laugh goes a long way, especially with men. I want you to take your prompts seriously. Yes. Don’t put one word answers. No, don’t put answers that are like, I gonna make them run for the hills either.

I can recall when I assisted two girlfriends with this exact scenario. One example as I had a girlfriend who I don’t know that she fully was aware, but she had a picture up that was displaying too much of the chest area. They actually both had this same thing, one where the top was very low cut, the boobs were booming. And then I had a, the other girlfriend who I don’t think she realized, but her we’re showing through.

I love you and you, it will not be mentioned. So I was like, you need to change these photos immediately because you cannot attract a man of caliber who’s genuinely interested in dating you and not just sleeping with you if you do not fix photos like that, you need to make sure you are covered. You need to make sure that you are, again, appropriately dressed head to toe in the photo. Make sure that the photo is qua a quality image. You don’t wanna filter, you don’t want all these extra editing. It’s not gonna attract them. They’re gonna wonder why you had to do all that editing. It’s very obvious. Even if you think it isn’t, you also wanna consider that you are going to meet this person in real life and they are going to see you. They’re gonna see you not just on the first date, but they’re gonna see you on the fifth date. Or when? Two years from now you have no makeup on. Like this person needs to genuinely care about you as a person. So I want you to post quality photos. Stop posting inappropriate photos. Don’t post photos that are blurry. Don’t post filtered stuff. Don’t post quality pictures. You will get quality candidates in return.

Now you’re thinking, well, like, what kind of photos do I post, Lisa? Okay, well, guess what? You want to post things that will display things about you, maybe your hobbies, your interest. Do you like to hike? Do you like to kayak? Do you like to paddle board? If you don’t have them, in my previous video, I discussed how you might wanna consider gaining some new hobbies. You’ll have more to talk about next. You want to maybe post something that shows like nice, elegant, elevated places that you go. Maybe you have been to a nice gala or a nice event or you have photos of you at a professional engagement that is appropriate for you to share online, things like that will help to elevate you. And they will think to themselves, wow, this is somebody I take home to my mother and this is somebody that I would desire to be with. You don’t need to post like anything inappropriate either. I wouldn’t post photos at the club, at the bars, at this, at that, unless that’s what you want to attract. Again, what do you want to attract? You need to consider that you are also displaying what you want to see in return. Okay, we can talk on and on about that subject. Let me know in the comments if you want more. But the next piece of advice is you need to respond to those prompts with good, like not just quality responses, but you also need to consider the diversity of the responses and the prompts you’re answering. Do not be lazy about the prompts. These are literally, think about it. If all they see is you look good, that’s all they know about you. If they see that you have a sense of humor, you’re interested in things that they’re also interested in, share about yourself.

Tell the story. Who are you? You are marketing yourself to this person, however much they do or don’t pay attention is going to determine the manual attract. But let me tell you something, you will have way more to talk about if you have information on your profile for them to say, hey, she likes this, let me ask her about it. If you just put one word, silly responses, what are they gonna ask you? They can ask any girl, how are you doing? Like that. You’ll get the same boring conversation. This is your opportunity to share something about yourself. And guess what other opportunity it is? It’s an opportunity for you to look at their profile and actually pay attention to what they’ve said about themselves and then you can have conversation. I understand that women are struggling to have conversation on these apps. This will help you. And I have more advice on my next videos that I worry.