Riding the Razor’s Edge: A Guitarist’s Journey from Cold Brew to Tequila Shots on Stage

Drink my cold brew like it’s a tequila drink on stage,
you know what I’m saying? Totally.
I was a guitar player first when I was, like,
11 to 13, and I always.
I would always, like,
want to show the drummers what to do.
And I was like, man,
I just wanted the drummer to make each section in each hit
definite, because I was playing guitar,
and it makes you feel so powerful as a guitar player
if the drummers, like,
here’s the chorus, Bam!
I try to care as little as possible while being sober about messing up
and just try to play with emotion
and not try to play with technical stuff.
I like to ride the Razor’s Edge, baby.