Confessions of a Car Content Creator: The Cost of Going All In

Well, I started to lose my marbles.
If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been posting a little less over time,
you know, and I love these cars.
And people have made me not love these cars
and not love making content anymore.
And there’s something to be said about the.
The warning about making content,
because you really gotta go all in.
And once you get your break,
you never have to stop. Your time,
your free time, your mental health, um,
your family, your friends,
you know, you just go all in.
Had too many things on the plate,
was taking a lot of caffeine, um,
and was eating four to five meals a day,
uh, 4,000 calories
and just always being hungry,
always being groggy. And I don’t know,
that might not seem like I might
the common guy that might eat that many meals in a day,
but trust me, I was, um.
I’m essentially the Asman Gold of the car scene.
And I’m okay with that. Imagine you walk outside every single day
and someone takes a shot at you from,
you know, from their door,
from their porch. And I’m the type of dude,
I don’t give a flying banana.
I want to make one thing clear.
I could do nothing for a year besides sit at home and play video games.
But I don’t want to do that cause I’m a workaholic.