The Realities of Real Estate Sales: Challenges and Opportunities

You may have forgotten
real estate sales is the fastest way to make most amount of money
in the least amount of time,
but it could also be really tough.
For example, when you become a real estate agent,
there’s no guaranteed income.
Sure, you have the potential to make a ton of money,
even become a millionaire,
but if you don’t plan things properly,
there could be months where you make zero.
Other job opportunities guarantee you an income,
but it’s not the same with real estate sales.
Oh, yeah.
Another shitty thing about being a real estate agent
is that they don’t teach you how to get clients at real estate school.
So you gotta figure it out on your own.
And the ones who do are the ones that make the money.
You would think that that would be the first thing they teach you,
but they don’t. And lastly,
when you’re a real estate agent,
there’s no 4 O 1 k. There’s no pension plan,
and there’s no retirement fund.
There’s none of that. When you stop working,
the money stops coming in.
That’s why you see real estate agents working until they’re 90.
And that’s why smart real estate agents invest in passive income.
For more real estate facts and tips, follow me for more.