Magic John: The Ultimate Phone Protector for Every Situation

Whichever bag you choose, you need Magic John for your phone.
To protect it when you drop it or anything else.
Simply apply this one over your phone like that.
Put that removal tape, swipe here,
peel that, give it a few seconds,
let the air absorb to the center for the best.
And then you can lift to this.
No dust, no air bubbles.
28 degrees. Protecting your privacy,
your secret safe. And also because we have this special layer,
so it’s waterproof, fingerprint proof
and oil proof. Gives you a very smooth surface.
Just like that. Because you’re riding a bike,
because your phone is there.
Can be dropped. This is why you need Magic John.
Scratch resistant and you can live it anywhere.
Leaves you no trouble at all.
This is Magic John. If you like it,
click on your cart down below. Buy yourself one today.