Smart, Not Loud: Navigating a Quiet Culture in a Loud Workplace

The reason why I wrote this book
was because I wanted to help those who don’t consider themselves
that assertive type, that outspoken type.
I remember when I was trying to level up my own communication skills.
I would always read these communications books
because there’s tons out there.
But I always felt like a lot of it was about,
how can you change yourself to be more loud,
more outspoken?
But I felt like a lot of the things that I wanted to keep within me,
and a lot of these, are the things that I was raised with.
So, for example,
things like, you know,
being more humble, being more modest,
there is value in traits like that. Right?
But it’s kind of like, how do you find that balance?
How do you still hold on to these very powerful traits,
which I actually call quiet culture traits in the book,
but still succeed and get noticed at work for the right reasons
in a loud culture workplace?
This book, Smart,
Not Loud, is really teaching folks how they can do that,
get into the right mindset,
and take a more proactive approach to their career.