Superman 64: The Worst Video Game of All Time – A Look at the Infamous Disaster

When I say the words worst video game of all time,
what’s the first thing that pops in your head?
It’s terrible game Tuesday.
This little gym is Superman the new Superman Adventures,
or what is commonly referred to as Superman 64.
It was actually based on Superman the Animated Series
and it was released on May 20 19th, 1999.
This game sold a ton of copies,
but is widely considered one of the worst video games ever made.
Let’s talk about why. Development started in 1997,
but the entire. The entirety of the development cycle
was largely hampered by constraints between Titus and the licensees,
which was Warner Brothers in DC.
In other words, major creative differences.
The developer was having to go back and change
bits and pieces of the story in the game
so frequently
that by the time the studio had their planned release date,
the game was still riddled with technical flaws. Did you play Superman?