Compliments and Fashion Tips: The TikTok Shop Find of the Year

excuse me yeah
you don’t need any of those
by the way you already look so big
oh well
you can never be too big but I appreciate that
thank you yeah
of course um
also that shirt looks really
really good on you where’d you get it from
oh uh
actually my girlfriend got the shirt on the TikTok shop
yeah she said they were running some crazy flash sale
each shirt is only three bucks $3
that’s crazy it looks so nice
and it feels so nice and look at your arms in it
yeah I mean
that’s why I like it you know
makes me look pretty jacked
but what I really like too
is it’s loose around the stomach area so
you know if I’m bulking or if you got a little bit of a dad bod
it hides it pretty well um
TikTok shop they’re running some crazy flash show
each one is only like
30 bucks got it
thank you so much for sure