Confessions of a Weed Connoisseur: Why I Refuse to Smoke a 60 Dollar Ounce

you know I don’t judge nobody
but y’all out here smoking 60 dollar ounces a 60 dollar ounce
I would not even feel comfortable smoking that
that’s how much one
one of my eighth scores one
and I’m not trying to brag
but yes
I smoke that top show
I would look fucking foolish smoking a 6
a 60 dollar ounce not even a half a ounce bro
a whole ounce for 60 nah no
I mean that bitch is just screaming lace fitting all
everything in the fucking book
and you gonna smoke it that’s probably what
six dimes I don’t know
but I know you’re smoking trash
you have to be have to be like
what high are you getting off of a 60 dollar ounce
when this lady told me she had 60 dollar ounces
even the other one I looked at them both crazy like
an ounce for 60 and they’re seeing it as if I’m supposed to get excited
no I guess I got excited because when she told me she had Blue Dream
I’m like Blue Dream
I haven’t heard that for in
since years so when she like
took it out the bag I’m like
that’s big and she was like yes
an ounce for 60 I said
a what I said
I’ll be going to the ATM I’ll be back
ha ha I got the fuck right out of Dodge
Walk right the fuck out because my finger is this
I’m not buying no ounce 60 dollar ounce
cause I wanna smoke so much
and then wake up the next day
I don’t know what the fuck is going on
all because I needed to smoke a 60 dollar ounce please