Ultimate Family Travel Hack: Organized Outfits for Kids in Pockets

If you’re traveling with kids,
I wanna show you this hack because it’s genius.
I have three kids, so we’re traveling for five days.
I packed each kid six outfits.
You roll up every single outfit, underwear,
shorts, shirts,
socks, and you put it in each compartment.
You’re gonna repeat this process for each single kid.
This specific one that I have has 24 pockets,
so I use six. And for the last two,
I use one compartment for pajamas,
and then the last compartment I use for bathing suits.
My son took up eight pockets.
My daughter, who’s 1 years old,
only took up four. And then my oldest daughter,
her clothes are a little bit bigger,
but she still managed to only take six pockets.
And once again, I use the last two for bathing suits and pajamas.
So that left me with four empty pockets.
And it’s very convenient because I have a one year old,
so I use that for diapers and wipes.
Okay, but you guys have not even seen the magic yet.
So once you have everything packed,
the cool thing about this is you just fold it up just like this.
And may I repeat, this is for three kids for 5 days.
It fit in 1/2 of a suitcase,
literally. I can use this whole other side for diapers,
all kinds of miscellaneous stuff. Shampoos,
conditioners, everything.
And the coolest part about this is when you get to your destination,
you can Just undo this, take the hooks,
and hang it up on the door when you get to your destination.
So it’s easy access for when you’re there.
Your kids can just come and take their outfit right out of it.
It’s already done. It’s just freaking genius.