Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Car Clean and Organized – A Mom’s Guide to Car Maintenance and Aesthetics

Listen, I’m so OCD about the cleanliness of my car.
I didn’t always used to be like this,
but I just got this car this year and I wanna keep it nice.
I’ve got three kids, so let’s see how long it lasts.
I use this religiously. This is so cool.
I think I got this off of Amazon,
but you can just fill it up with screen cleaner
and I clean the screens of my car all the time.
I always have microfiber towels in my little console.
I’m a psychopath about how my car smells. Again,
I have a one year old who, um,
doesn’t always smell the greatest,
so this is like a favorite of mine.
And this is from bath and body.
It’s White Barn Mahogany Coconut Room Spray.
Amazing. A few sprays of this,
your car smells so good. Also,
I always use the little for Febreze like plug in deals for cars.
I just like my car to smell nice and to look nice now.
I just got something off of TikTok shop
that has been a game changer for how my car looks
and just how I feel aesthetically in my car.
My husband calls me 2% girl
because my phone is always about 2% charged
and I hate having charging cords all over the little
center part of my car. So I bought this little guy off of TikTok Shop.
It is so good. You just plug it right in here and My favorite part,
it’s got the Chargers. You pull them out,
it goes, like, really,
really far. But once I’m done with these Chargers,
I pull it back, I let it go,
and it goes right back in there.
They’re not all laying around here
and wrapped up and all over the place,
so it stays very neat, very nice and clean.
And it charges so fast. Do you have one of those charging pads?
In my car. But if you guys have one of these,
you know, they don’t charge your.
Your phone at all. It’s horrible.
It’s so slow. This one,
I plug it in, and my phone can be on like 5%
and within 20 minutes, it’s completely charged.
It is so freaking fast.
And I love just how nice it looks and how organized it looks.
And it makes me feel more organized,
which is a mom of three.
I love to feel more put together than I actually am.
It’s also great to plug in in the back
if you have one of these kinds of charging ports
on the back of your central console,
the second row, people.
It’s a really long cord, I think it’s like six feet. Um,
so they can easily charge their phones if they need to.
It’s so convenient, so nice.
It’s just. I’m obsessed with it.
So I’m gonna go ahead and link it below.
Go get yours. The shipping is great.
I think the shipping was free.
When I bought it, um.
But I buy everything off of TikTok Shop now.
It’s like Amazon to me. And it gets here very quickly.
So go get yourself one, because we all wanna have nice looking vehicles.