Navigating the U.S. Visa Application Process: From College Acceptance to Embassy Appointment

Here is to talking about studio broad, except I don’t have to get ready, but I’m just gonna chat. I think where we left off was that I had like partially been accepted to college, the college, but not fully yet. So let’s pick up from there. Pretty much from there, the college like sends you once you’re fully accepted, they’ll send you the DS 2019 form. That’s what I got sent, but I know some other people got sent in different type of form. It all depends on the type of visa that they want you to get. Dependent on where you’re going, what college you’re going to and stuff like that. So I am going to Michigan State University. So I sent me my DS 2019 form and they were printed out much like here. Go ahead, start to read the application.

The American visa website is literally the worst thing on planet earth. Why is always the websites that like people are using daily and like lots of people are using them. They’re always the worst. They’re so . Like that website, it times out every like few minutes, every like 5 minutes. And if you don’t have click save, then it won’t save her stuff. So make sure you take a little picture of the your like application number, cuz that’s how you get back in. And like a security question, like what’s your mouse made name or something like that. And your data vert. I’m trying to remember all the different steps. So pretty much I just ask you those questions about whether or not you like take drugs or like our intersect trafficking and stuff like that. Honestly, some of the questions I’m like, if people are clicking yes to this, what the are that? You like, how do you think you’re gonna get into America by being like, yeah, sex traffics among there last year like along with you in your visa application, you have to pay this service fee, which is a different website my college sent me like a link for it and like just sent me straight to the website. They usually do just send you like a link for all the different websites you need pay the 7th fee. I think that’s like around 200 euro. I don’t really know what it is, but like they ask you to confirm at the end of your reads application that you did pay it and you need proof when you go to the embassy as well that you paid us. And then you have to make an appointment to go into the embassy. And I think that’s another like 200 euro. It I remember it cost me around 400 euros to the service fee and the like MBC appointment fee, it was around 400. And then you go to your MC appointment, they pretty much just check that you actually made your application. They ask you where you’re going and why you’re going. And it’s pretty chill. The only thing is you are waiting in a queue for ages and they take your phone off you. So I brought a book and I was like reading that while standing in the queue because you are waiting a while and you have no phone to like scroll or anything like that. But I if you’re going with friends, definitely make the appointment with one of your friends because I was so jealous of all these people just chatting the whole time. And I was just there. Read my book, make sure you bring or any form possible, any proof of payment, any form you’ve been sent, everything. Just bring it all because I was asked for some form and I actually didn’t have it, but she managed to get away around. So just bring it all and then make sure you have your photo done, but do it in the visa style. It’s not the same as a passport photo. It’s different. The visa and passport photos are different. But they have a little photo booth thing in there that you can do in there anyways, but bring your photo, any forms, and your bytecard. There are three very important things because if you need to take another photo, you can use your bank card. Cuz again, you won’t have your phone to Apple Pay.

And also I know one of my friends, if she had a different type of visa, I am on a J1 visa. She was on a effort something and she needed to pay another fee once she got there. I don’t know why, but apparently you do. And they take your passport off you there and you think that they’d be nice enough to post it back to you. But no, you have to go to this like a DPD warehouse to pick it up. I just did that today and I had my MC appointment about like 3 weeks ago. I’d say it’ll just sit there for as long as you like. You can go collect it whenever you just go to this DPD place, pick up your passport and it has your visa in it then, and it’s done. That’s it.