Sweet Dreams: A Delicious Dessert Recipe with a Twist

One thing about me
is that I need a sweet treat before I can go to sleep.
Like, I have to have dessert.
I also have to have a glass of milk.
I’m sorry. It’s 2% organic.
But this is my latest obsession.
And it’s only two ingredients.
Three if you include coconut oil.
It’s literally just sugar,
cookie dough
and blueberries. I get the wild blueberries,
like the frozen wild blueberries, um,
mostly because they’re smaller, um,
and I think they’re cuter
and they taste better, um,
but apparently they also have double the antioxidants.
And like, regular.
Regular blueberries. But, um.
Yeah, this is.
This is it. Hold on.
Oh god.
Oh, my god.
Look at it. It’s so beautiful.
I’ve literally been eating this every single night for weeks.
It’s so good.
I used to make it
in this ramekin, but the ramekin was too small.
This is too good. And I needed to get a bigger.
A bigger mini pot. So anyway, um,
let me know if you want a recipe video,
because I’d be happy to show you my latest obsession.