Cotton Balls and Ice: A Surprising 40-Year Discovery

You’re telling me for 40 years
I should have been putting what in my water? Ha ha.
Ain’t no way.
I’ll be honest with you. This is absolutely blown my mind.
I don’t know if it works. What?
What really intrigues me is if it does work,
will it melt faster or slower than just a,
you know, a block of ice without the cotton in it?
Got some cotton balls? I mean,
if this works, you could go to,
you know, where the ice caps are.
You just take some cotton balls,
toss in there. Problem solved.
Fill it up. Fill this up with water.
Fill it up with water.
Alright, we’ll let them get good and froze and then we’ll test it out.
Regular ice,
uh, not very strong. Cotton ball eyes,
uh, a whole lot stronger.
The top kind of busted a little bit,
but not in the cubes like that.
So I’m gonna put these in this cooler,
cotton ball, regular ice,
and we’ll see if the cotton balls stay frozen a little bit longer.
It’s been about, I don’t know,
eight to 10 hours out in the sun.
And this ain’t one of those fancy coolers
that the ice last for 47 days without melting.
See if we can see in there.
This is what’s left of the one without the cotton balls.
And then this is the one with the cotton balls.
Now it’s a lot bigger. Man,
it’s cold.
See, I’m gonna drop It
still a
huge chunk of ice. And then this one is not near as big.
Bust right apart.
I’d say that you put some cotton balls in your eyes
and it lasts longer. And it’s almost indestructible.
Ha ha!
Cotton balls and ice. Ha! Who knew