Measuring Leadership Strength: Kamala Harris’ Brilliant Response to Media Bias

So because the media is so incredibly lopsided
in how they treat Trump
versus any Democratic candidate
Kamala Harris finds herself in a situation where she has
she has to hit back—we all want Democrats to hit back harder
she’s gotta find a way to do that
without then getting the media on her on a two week cycle
that’s completely out of proportion
here’s what she said at a recent rally
I think this is brilliant
she was talking about how to measure a leader
right so she said,
“The real and true measure of the strength of a leader
is based on who you lift up.”
Again, she was talking about her budget and who are you helping
right and her point is that she’s helping the middle class
whereas Trump does not but then she added,
“Anybody who’s about beating down other people is a coward.”
Now we all know that she just called Trump a coward
but the way that she phrased it
she could mean anybody, right?
and so far, (because she said this yesterday)
I’m not seeing a whole lot of coverage in the media that
you know Kamala Harris calls Trump a coward
which is a headline they absolutely would have run with
and then
pundits would be talking for a week
about whether or not that’s appropriate that
but I’m not seeing any coverage of it
because of the way that she presented it
Love this woman!