Unlocking the Intellectual Side: A Key Question for Women Dating Men

There are questions you can ask
that will help clarify things pretty quickly.
So here’s what I advise,
with the stipulation that this particular advice
only applies to women dating men.
So I. I’ve given men plenty of dating advice over the years,
so this one’s for the ladies.
If you wanna figure out what kind of man you’re with intellectually,
ask him this question. What historical periods are you interested in?
This is a very serious suggestion to any single women
that the next time you’re on a date,
ask that question.
It won’t tell you everything you need to know about the guy,
but it will tell you a lot.
And it may tell you enough,
because an intelligent man with an inquisitive mind
will not only have an answer,
but will be excited that you asked.
Do you want a man who not only answers it,
but is like, oh,
thank god, I didn’t.
I didn’t think you’d be asking me that question on a first date.
Thank god I have these notes.
But I gotta say, I’m just fired up to be here today.
It’s pretty cool. Pretty cool.
His eyes will light up because that you brought this up.
And he might tell you that he’s interested in the American Revolution
or the Civil War or ancient Egypt,
or the early church or the late Roman Empire
or the Polychronicon Wars or the Crusades.
If he’s a smart, interesting guy who likes to read and Loves to learn.
He can not only rattle off facts about this area of interest,
but even more importantly,
he can tell you why he’s interested in it.
And you can learn a lot about him.
And you can learn more from that than you can from two hours of.
Of mindless small talk.