Unsettling Encounter: The Tale of Robbie and the Math Teacher

Robbie, is that you?
Oh, uh,
you’re here to meet Robbie.
Why am I the only one with no clothes?
Yeah. You know Robbie’s 13, right? 13?
He said he was 12. What’s that?
you mean is that. What are you doing?
Yeah. No, stop!
Close the door. Close it!
You’re not going anywhere.
I will never do this again. Please.
You’re gonna be Robbie. I just came to ask where his parents were.
I just. You’re a liar!
Hold on. We have all the texts.
We have all the proof. Please,
let me go. I will never do this.
Are you dumb? Look, I’m just a math teacher.
Isn’t this illegal? Sit right there.
I didn’t even do anything.
I don’t believe you. Hold on.
I don’t believe you. No!
See this? Please.
Please, no!
I need you to clean your act up. No!
Please! Alright. Yes.
You’re recording this, right?
I did. All on tape, yeah.
Say you’re sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
I need a doctor. So why you doing.
Look, my wife was mad at me. Hey,
are we going too far? Hey,
go get me a hanger. A hanger for what?
You forget. Now
you stay right there. Couldn’t find a hanger.
I’ll just use this. What are you gonna do with it?
Oh, no.
Yeah. Don’t like being hog tied, huh?
No. You don’t like being hog tied, huh?
Let me go! You’re a pig!
All right, upload that to YouTube.