Confessions of a Reluctant Reader: Navigating the World of Books and Kindles with Leah Michelle

three things I wish I knew before buying my very first Kindle
first my name is Leah Michelle
and I don’t know how to read
second TikTok killed my attention span
so I can only read a page at a time before losing all interest
third and most importantly is this
watching it on TV or in a movie is much better than reading it on a page
how do people actually read
because I I can’t focus
I wanna be part of book talk
I wanna do this with all of you
but I seriously can’t even think straight when I start to read a page
my I I feel like I’m the dog from up who’s like squirrel
squirrel squirrel
squirrel squirrel
all the time so what do you people do
what’s going on I just wanna read spicy novels with you help