Back to School: A Mom’s Guide to Self-Care and Celebration

Bye, sweetie.
I love you. Took some time to celebrate.
Come on, let’s celebrate.
Mmm. Mmm.
Did you bring your water bottle?
Do you have all your stuff?
I love you. Mommy will be fine.
It’s gonna be fine. You get back to you time.
You time. You time.
You time.
Get out quick. I don’t want the teachers to see me.
She runs the PTO. I’m not involved.
I don’t know how these moms have all this time to volunteer.
No matter what type of back to school mom you are,
you’re gonna need a Tula. Time out.
These are the trending viral eye bombs,
and you’re gonna need one,
maybe two, or all three.
They sell at Sephora and Ulta,
so check them out. Your daughter already knows about them.
But this isn’t for your daughter.
This is for you. Now it’s mom time.
Back to school. Love you,
Holly girl. Stay for more.