Enhancing Your iPhone Videography with Final Cut Camera: An Overview of Apple’s Hidden Gem

If you want your iPhone to take better videos,
check this out.
It’s a free app made by apple that most people don’t know about.
It’s called Final Cut Camera.
The first thing I love about it is this zoom scroll feature,
so as you slide to the left and right,
it zooms in in a much more cinematic and smooth way.
This is how you get those buttery smooth slow zooms
so you don’t have to do that 1.
X to 5 x hyper jump that looks so unnatural.
Then when you swipe up on the app,
this is where all the good stuff is.
White balance, shutter speed,
ISO, focus modes.
They’re all super customizable.
But because this app is designed by apple,
all the buttons and layouts
look exactly the same as the base camera app
that you’re used to. I don’t normally make videos like this,
but I’ve been trying out a bunch of different cameras lately
and I keep coming back to the iPhone because it’s so convenient.
The latest iPhone cameras with this level of customization
is a better starter kit than almost any DSLR I could find.
So if you wanted to get more cinematic video with
without having to use a bulky camera,
try it out. It’s free,
it’ll work on any iPhone running iOS 17.4 or later.