Exploring the Benefits of AI Symptom Tracker in Healthcare: A Review on NIB’s Innovative Tool

I’m sick I need to go to the doctors
no you don’t
ah why
because there’s a new AI symptom tracker
they can check out your symptoms and cut out all that time
you don’t see a doctor you wanna know more
let’s get into it on Ete on the Beat
so this private health insurance company
Called nib
which uh
sponsors the Blues has created a tool where it uses AI
to help people figure out what’s wrong with their health
so let’s say you got a headache or a sore head
they use this apple website that uses AI to try and help you out
hmm I reckon the blues use it too
picture it like this um
let’s say you had a cough for 10 days
20 days 300 days
and you let the app know about your symptoms
what happens is the AI in the app would then tell you about ways to relieve it
and also how to look out for more symptoms
it’s like you’re talking to a doctor
but literally in the comfort of your phone amazing
why is this tech important
a big thing is to support our brothers and sisters in the health industry
so as you already know
overcrowded hospitals pressure
this tech can actually support them so they can reduce their pressure
a big thing too is learning these new enhanced ways of tech
supporting our people with learning about their bodies by learning more
by using this tech wow
and like every other new technology coming
I do have a hmm hmm moment like also the type of data it’s gonna give me like
will it give me data as a Pasefika woman
like wow I like to see that play out what are your thoughts?
do you have any idea or any other hmm hmm moments you want to tell us
or tell us in the comments below
don’t skip a beat this is Ete on the Beat we’ll see you next time
tofa soifua bye