The X Factor: Matt Walner’s Impact on the Playoff Picture

I think the X factor, and I know he had was like,
in an 0 for 13 slump before yesterday was Matt Walner.
If he becomes what we’ve seen from him,
the length in that lineup can be exceptional,
especially when you’re talking power.
You know, you need that in the playoffs.
I mean, that’s.
That’s the stat everyone wants to say.
Pitching and defense wins playoffs game.
Playoff games, but it’s really homers.
If you out Homer the other team,
you’re going to win playoff games.
And, you know,
obviously Walter brings that ability.
I think talking to him yesterday and just kind of,
you know, watching his abats through the season, and,
you know, we know what his numbers are since he’s been called back up.
He’s very confident. I think he thinks he belongs now,
which is like, the biggest turning point you can have as a young player
is finally believing that this isn’t just some dream that, oh,
my gosh, I’m in the big leagues.
It’s like, no,
this is. This is the league that I’m playing at,
that I’m at this level. Uh,
once you get there, uh,
you know, that’s when you know that’s where you wanna be.
And I think. I think he’s found that.