Simplified Tie Dye: Classic Spiral Variations

Today we’re doing something a bit simpler
and I’m gonna show you two variations on the classic tie dye spiral.
The first one is just the simple,
classic spiral that we all know and love.
The way you make this is
you just spiral up the shirt and put your colours on both sides
in little sections. Yes.
On shirts with a lot of colours,
it’s pretty important to make sure you wash it out
until the water runs clear
so that it doesn’t get all muddy.
Here is what the first one looks like.
Again, just the classic traditional spiral,
but by changing just one simple thing,
we can make a totally different shirt.
On this next shirt, I did the same exact thing on one side,
but on the other side, I only put black.
By doing this, when we open up the shirt,
it gives us these really cool black lines.
You might have seen this design before
and wondered how the black lines got there.
And it’s literally
as simple as just adding a solid colour to one of the sides.
So, again,
make sure you wash it fully out until the water runs clear
before you put it in the washing machine.
And here is the final result of that one.
Both of these are available on my tie dye shop,
which is LinkedIn, my bio.
And comment which one you like better.