The Thrilling Saga of Strategy and Surprises: A Playful Adventure

Okay, we got the corners right?
I feel like I’m safe. Oh my god.
Be all casual with it. Oh my god.
That’s so close to the middle too.
Oh my god.
No. Okay.
Wow. Yeah.
Freaking. You’re welcome.
My god. What are we doing here?
Thank you. I feel like this wouldn’t do how it might.
This shouldn’t do anything cause it’s got roads there and there.
Yeah. Alright.
You really gotta think about it.
Oh! Oh!
The strategy didn’t work. Okay,
very good, very good.
This might be like crucial.
Like this might hold everything together.
Or it might not matter. I’m gonna say it holds everything together.
I’m not gonna touch it. Instead,
I’m gonna go for this one. Interesting.
So what do I do there? I have to get this one right.
I don’t know.
Oh, let’s go.
Oh god, that was a crazy play.
No, no.
So what about this one? This can definitely go then, right?
Yes. Your move.
Your move. You’re free to chuck the cane.
Ha, ha,
Ha ha ha!
That was way too confident.
Good job.