Ultimate Breakfast Casserole: Tater Tots, Sausage, and Cheese Delight

Okay, we have one bag of tater tots,
and now I’m just sprinkling on top some sausage.
There we go. Oh,
let’s move that. Spread it out nice and evenly.
On top of that, I’m gonna grab some onion that I pre sliced,
and I’m gonna, whoop,
put it all on top. You guys,
wait until you see.
This is gonna be an ultimate breakfast casserole right here.
I think it’s gonna turn out delicious.
Stick around to see it. Okay,
I think that’s about good on the onion.
What do you think, babe?
Is that about good? Yeah.
Okay, now I have some eggs that I already pre scrambled.
I put 10 eggs in here
just because that’s what I had in the refrigerator.
If you wanted to go ahead and put a whole dozen in,
that would definitely work as well.
So here we’re just pouring all the eggs in.
I did mix these scrambled eggs with, um,
a half a cup of heavy cream.
Is that how you do your scrambled eggs?
Let us know.
Some black pepper.
Put some of that all over the top,
just to give it a little bit more of that peppery flavor.
It’s gonna go really good with that sausage.
And a pinch of salt. Just pouring it out in my hand,
kind of eyeballing it. Just do a light sprinkle over the top.
I know people are like, oh,
the salt’s bad, but I really love a little bit of Salt.
Especially with these potatoes in there. Perfect.
Lastly, to top all of this off,
some sharp, shredded cheddar cheese.
And I’ll put a pretty good amount on top here.
Yeah. Don’t be stingy with the cheese.
I don’t be stingy with the cheese.
I know you just use it all.
Just use it all. Yeah. Okay,
so I’m just gonna use it all then,
I guess, huh?
Yeah. Okay.
There we go. Is that good?
Do I have enough. Enough cheese?
Yeah, I guess you’re right.
And that’s. That’s good here.
Actually, I can probably put some more on there. That looks delicious.
Okay, look at that.
That was so easy. Check this out.
We have our tater tots on the bottom.
We have our egg, we have our sausage that’s already browned.
And now we have some cheese on top.
And I’m gonna stick this in the oven.
I’m gonna do 3 75 for 35 minutes.
I’m gonna check on it, make sure the cheese is cooking good.
If it gets too brown, I’ll cover it in foil.
But I’ll let you guys know how it goes.
look at that. It looks and smells so good.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, babe,
you’re gonna love this. Okay,
I can’t forget the bacon. So here I have cooked some bacon,
and I’m just going to sprinkle it all over top of this
ultimate breakfast casserole I have going on.
Wow. Okay.
Just wanna add a little bit for some Flavour.
I’d say that’s about good right there.
And of course,
I definitely am adding some Frank’s Red Hot on top of this.
Of course not another thing.
Not a have to, but we like spicy things around here,
so I’m just gonna drink it,
drizzle just a little bit like that,
over the top. Wow,
look at that. That is gonna be so good.
Alright, we are ready to dig into this.
What corner do you want to try, babe?
You want more of the sausage back here?
Something with bacon. Alright, here.
Let’s go. Right up here.
We got some bacon. We got those tater tots.
Wow. Yummy.
Right in there.
Look at that.
That looks delicious. And now I don’t want you to be jealous, babe,
I know this is one of your favorites,
so why don’t you come over here and give it a try?
Okay. Ready?
Yep. Okay.
Hmm. Good, huh?
It’s really good. Yeah.
Super easy breakfast. Good for the whole family. Give it a try.