Fighting for Dignity: Battling the Healthcare System for Portable Oxygen Compressors and Advocacy

Okay. Hi, you.
Hi, you guys.
I just wanted to jump on for a little while.
I haven’t talked to you in a while.
Y’all know I went to Disney.
It was wonderful. You can see my pictures and all my videos I posted.
But what I jumped on today to actually have a complete meltdown about
is Hospice.
I got on hospice so I can live my best life.
Well, it’s not happening,
because when I got home from Disney,
I started having to have oxygen,
which that’s fine. I don’t have a problem with oxygen.
I have a problem with the fact that hospice is telling me,
only thing they’re gonna give me is the home compressor,
which I have on,
and I had 50 foot cord on it so I can move around the house.
And the tank, the portable tank,
which it is extremely heavy,
and let’s just face it, that ain’t what I consider portable.
So I asked for a portable oxygen compressor
to be told that, well,
we can’t bring you one over the weekend.
Okay? So I’ve sat home at two days,
wasting two days of my valuable time I have left on this earth.
They can bring it on Monday.
And then
after a back and forth conversation with one of the girls from,
and I want y’all to remember this,
Baptist Trinity Hospice in Memphis,
and I’ve been told that, well,
we only supply you with that.
We don’t Pay for a portable compressor.
Well, guess what?
I’ve read the hospice deal,
and excuse my dog barking me.
On hospice. Basically,
they’re there to make you comfortable.
Okay, true.
And to help you live a better life.
Well, I’m not gonna live a better life if I’m tied to my house
with the freaking oxygen tank.
I can’t move because I’ve had a shoulder replacement,
and I can’t pick it up,
and so it keeps me from going and doing,
which should not happen. And two,
I am a special case, and I’m not your average person on hospice.
I am not bedridden. I’m not in a wheelchair.
I am very mobile, and I’m very active,
and I should be able to be as active as I can.
And they should be encouraging that.
They should be my advocate to Medicare and say, hey,
she’s. She’s very,
very mobile and able to get around,
and this is compromising her ability and her.
Her life. So they should be doing everything they could to get me one.
And, yeah,
I could pay for one. And, yes, I can rent one.
Susie, in the kennel, please.
So it’s not so much about the money.
It’s the whole point. The whole point is,
I’ve worked my whole life.
I’ve paid into Medicare. Why am I being told no? Why?
I don’t understand that. And to me,
this is a whole purpose for me.
It is me. Absolutely.
Susie. Oh,
I’m sorry. I’m Gonna get her to shut up.
Get in the kennel. Go.
And I’m going to hopefully
fight this battle for other people.
But to be not noticed as an individual
and my individual needs by a hospice company really,
really upsets me.
And I know my nurse can only tell me what she’s been told,
and I get that. But how about being a nurse
and it’s called advocate for the patient.
And how about going a step further and say, y’all,
we gotta do something. She is not your average patient.
We are compromising her happiness in life.
I was told, well,
we can loan you one for a special occasion.
Well, y’all,
no offense,
but every time somebody visits me and wants to take me to lunch,
if that’s a special occasion,
because I have so many days left that are very limited on this earth.
So do something better is all I can say.
Cause that’s not an answer.
And I didn’t tell her after she sent me this little print out
or the rules or whatever about this is all we cover.
I said, that’s fine.
I’ll be fighting the battle with Blue Cross,
Blue Shield on Monday morning,
which is my husband’s insurance.
And I’ll be fighting the battle with the state a Medicare.
Because there’s no reason that I should not be getting this
and getting it paid for.
It’s. It’s bullshit
when the damn illegals are coming across the border every day.
Get Anything and everything they need.
And I am dying and can’t even get a damn portable oxygen compressor.
Come on, people,
the system is so jacked up.
And yeah,
they’re better off if I die because it’s less money they got to spend.
And I mean, sometimes I wonder if that’s not the goal that they have.
Just kill us all so they don’t have any,
you know,
any more that they got to pay out than what they have to.
Cause I can rest assured you our government’s not working in our favor.
They’re not your biggest advocate.
Cause if they would, I wouldn’t be fighting this battle over a damn
stupid oxygen compressor
anyway. Portable one
We’ll be that battle on Monday morning.
And then it doesn’t help matters.
I get up this morning and my sweet husband,
which does not support me in this,
I mean, he’s just about as complacent as they get.
And I understand it. I know we’ve lived and.
And the marriage is just kind of going sour,
and it’s nothing that’s gonna recover this.
you know, I am your sick wife,
and I did take care of your mother when she was sick.
Have a little respect. Maybe ask a little bit more
and do a little bit more
than waiting around for my friends and family to do it all.
Because my friends and family are doing it,
and they are wonderful. And I want to thank each and Every one of you,
because you’re just. You don’t mean the world to me.
But, no.
My husband goes to church this morning.
Spent my whole marriage trying to get this man to go to church with me.
Every time we go,
he’d have a complaint and didn’t like it there for some reason.
Just never happened, and he never did initiate it.
And now he’s. You know,
I just asked him, I said,
is this church have women in it?
He said, yeah.
I said, well,
then why are you asking me to go?
And he’s like, I didn’t figure you’d want to go.
How do you know I don’t want to go if you don’t ask me?
I don’t understand that.
But besides that,
it’s very hard when I’m at home most of the time by myself,
and when my family and friends are here,
I’m doing everything by myself.
I don’t have any help.
So, yeah,
it’s just pretty pertinent that I still stay mobile,
because nothing gets done if I don’t do it myself for myself.
yeah, life is pretty hard right now,
you guys, and I’m just very angry
and just don’t understand how the system can be so screwed up.
And I would love for Medicare and Baptist Hospice Trinity to hear this.
And anyone out there who is battling the same battle
with stupid insurance and Medicare,
I. I hope each and each one of us,
we just rally together. And change this stupid ass system.
It’s just Bologna.
I mean, if you have a patient and you see a need,
you should meet that need.
And I have a need and it’s not being met.
So anyway,
I’m gonna get off here because I can’t post more than 10 minutes
and I don’t wanna make a part 2.
I’m just too tired and just too frustrated and angry right now.
And just. I don’t know,
I just feel like the system is failed.
And I’ve worked so hard my entire life to get what?
What do you get out of it?
Because I’m still gonna die
and I’m getting nothing.
Can’t even get something that would make my life better and happier.
I love you guys. And y’all
please share, do whatever you can. Comment.
Make this go viral, cause someone needs to hear it,
because obviously it’s not.
I’m not making enough noise myself.
I need more noise from other people.
And I greatly appreciate it. Thank you.