Unpacking the Misconceptions: Are Disney and Pixar Still Making Original Movies?

So we all know a couple days ago D23 just passed
where Disney announced a lot of new movies,
sequels, series,
and whatever else, right?
Heavy on the sequels part though,
because they did announce quite a few.
But I will never understand people that make comments like these.
Make original movies please bro.
I hate it.
I cannot stand the fact that there’s people acting like Disney
or Pixar just isn’t putting out original things anymore
because what is all this? What’s this?
Onward Soul, Luca,
turning red, elemental?
Those are all movies that came out
that weren’t based on existing properties.
And Pixar also announced hoppers and Elio,
which are movies based on nothing.
Isn’t Pixar also working on their very first animated series?
People always complain about the live action remakes and the sequels
and I just don’t get it. For one,
y’all gotta remember
Disney drop these movies because they know they’re gonna make money.
And when they drop original titles,
y’all don’t give a damn. When they drop strange world?
I don’t think anyone talked about this.
Ryan and the last Dragon was an original movie they came out with.
It’s my personal favorite princess movie,
but it’s heavily slept on.
And when wish came out not too long ago,
everybody called it mid Disney.
And Pixar makes original things all the time.
But if people ain’t gonna see him or don’t care about him,
why would they focus on them?