Wristwatch Collecting: Setting Rules and Guidelines

Do you ever set out any watch collecting rules for yourself?
Like, for example,
do you follow the one in, one out rule
where you have a certain amount of watches that you allow yourself?
And if you buy another watch,
for example,
that would mean you’d have to sell one of your existing watches.
This is a cool way to sort of
artificially constrain yourself to a certain amount of watches
and also force you to be a little bit more conscious and not,
you know, just go out and impulse buy so much.
But my point is, what are your rules?
What rules do you set for yourself,
if any? Do you only buy watches of a certain type?
Do you buy only a brand that you don’t already own?
Maybe you only collect a certain amount,
a certain complication, dot, style, color, whatever.
Or maybe you don’t have any rules for yourself at all.
Maybe you’re just completely unhinged,
wild and free, and I totally respect it.
And maybe you just kind of buy wherever you are in your journey,
whatever speaks to you at the time.
I don’t know. Let me know in the comments.