Reactions to Watch TikToks and the Intriguing World of Luxury Timepieces

Today I’m reacting to watch related TikToks.
How much money is in your bank account?
I think 12. 12,
yeah, but you got all this ice.
I’m a jeweler, I make jewelry.
How much is all this worth?
This one is a 40,000 just with necklace.
This one is 25,000 with necklace.
And you got the.
This one is Richard Million.
This one is also got 300 k.
And you only got 12 in the account?
I have cash. Cash is king for everything.
Have you ever seen skinnier wrist than that?
If you want a watch that doesn’t tell good time,
the Ambush Timeless Watch bracelet is probably your best bet.
No matter what you do, it won’t tell you the time.
$416? What the fuck is this?
When I. What? Why?
First of all,
it’s a copy of a Casio that doesn’t tell the time for $400.
Like, what’s wrong with you, mate?
What? Your favorite?
Whatever says about you, you’re going with the safe choice.
Maybe a bit basic, but you’re not wrong.
Is that what a Rolex Submariner tells you
when you wear a Rolex Submariner?
You’re a basic bitch.
Is this one really your favourite or were you just told it should be?
Yes, it should be
because it’s an absolutely insane watch.
You’re either really awesome
or you’re really. No middle ground.
Really awesome. You are the middle ground.
Owning a Rolex doesn’t make you middle ground, mate.
That’s. That’s only reserved for Omega Did I say that?
Hey, that’s my dad’s favorite.
Get a new dad. Hey,
that’s my mom’s favorite. Send your mom to me.
You’re cool. No,
you’re not. You are a child.
A very bad child. You are a child,
and I mean that as an insult.
Wearing Ralph Lauren and you’re a child.
Is this guy lost? Watch collecting is a horrible disease.
It’s a horrible disease. Are you alright?
The only reason you work is to buy more watches.
And that’s exactly where I’m at right now.
I can’t even repeat what my wife says to me
when I bring home another watch.
This is one solution for that, mate.
Download Tinder and get a new wife for sake.
Jesus Christ. It’s not watches that is the disease,
it’s your wife.
So how’s this Rolex that I bought over three years ago an investment?
One, I bought it for $12,000.
It now retails for $15,500.
Would probably sell a little bit more than that.
And two, when I’m out in public,
or I’m at a restaurant, or I’m sitting at a bar,
or I’m at a networking event,
the conversation starter. People see the watch and they say, hey,
nice watch. And it’s an immediate conversation starter.
I’ve been able to raise money from doing this.
I’ve been able to buy deals from people by having this.
Just because it created conversation that LED to opportunity.
Yeah, I’ve absolutely nothing to add to that.
This is pretty much No contest.
It’s the Devon Tread.
It’s operation is based on little belts that are super duper tiny
that tell you the time. When you turn it on,
it looks like this. That is so cool.
I love Devon. You know,
I love this. Like,
I would never wear it this horrible as
but I would just like play with it.
I bought the cheapest Rolex on eBay for $900
and brought it to two different authorized dealers
to have it authenticated. Unfortunately,
I was left with more questions and answers
because now let me answer that question for you.
You don’t go to authenticate your Rolex with an ad,
as I do not know a single ad that can actually
accurately authenticate a watch. Genuinely.
One of them said it was 100% real and the other one said
that’s what I mean. One says yes,
the other one does says no.
It’s all. They’re just shouting things because they have no idea.
So after doing some of my own research,
I actually decided to hit up the seller of the watch
and here’s what she said.
It actually was a gift to me for my 16th birthday from my grandfather.
But I’m going through an ugly divorce and I’m giving him everything,
both businesses and all vehicles
plus bank accounts in return for my freedom and 8 year old daughter.
She then gave a few more personal details
which I’m not gonna include in this video,
but then said I do hope you’ll be happy with it.
I honestly didn’t wanna sell it.
But my daughter is more precious than any piece of jewelry.
Please care for it. Thank you so much again.
I truly appreciate your business.
And guys, when I read this,
I knew that this watch didn’t belong with me.
So stick around, because we’re gonna surprise her
by sending this watch back to its rightful owner.
And hopefully, too,
she can tell us more about the history of this watch
when we talk to her. Wow,
that is really cool. That is fair play, lad. Unreal.