Goals, Excitement, and Aspirations: A Journey through the Year

What is this? Say you’re on a.
This guy coming up there you say
it’s like a goal for like,
the year. I just did like,
something random. I’m excited to meet new people that I wouldn’t meet,
uh, anywhere else other than this great place.
My goal this year is to get all A’s.
Kind of just do everything,
have fun, and live life.
To get football tickets
cause I’m currently in the queue to keep my hope scholarship
3.0 to become best friends with all the turtles. Um,
at the turtle pond.
I’m excited for game days.
Go dogs!
My goal this year is to give a TED talk with Tedx UGA.
I’m most excited to see my friends this semester,
and my goal is to keep getting my GPA up.
Go dogs! Go dogs!
Go dogs! Go dogs!
Go dogs! Go dogs!
Sick of who?