Dollar General Snack Deal: Score Big Savings on Sour Patch Kids and Lunchbox Essentials

we’re at the Dollar General with another snack deal
follow along friends cause you’re about to score
inside our Dollar General app
we all have to spend nine
get $3 off and I’m gonna show you two different ways you can use it
option 1 is gonna be on the Sour Patch Kids
if you wanna price scan an item
you wanna go ahead and hit that search bar
hit the scanner scan the item
and then it’s gonna bring up the item price
you wanna scroll down
see all of the coupons that are attached to or any of the deals
now right now
these Sour Patch Kids are on a promotion for buy two get one free
like I said we have this three dollar coupon
so the original price of these candies are three dollars each
and what’s happening is this coupon is engaging off of the original price
making all three of these only one dollar each
I went ahead and scanned all of the products that you’re seeing in this video
and indeed all of them do attach to the three dollar off nine dollar coupon
option No. 2 is going straight in my kids lunch
so saltine crackers are on sale this week
two for $7 so I’m gonna go ahead and grab two of the Fresh Stacks boxes
and then i’mma go ahead and grab two of these packages
four packs of Oreos now
like before it’s counting the original value of the items plus you
all four items for around $6
the candy work like a charm
all three for $3 and then the crackers of the cookies were six bucks for all
now both of these deals are only gonna work at stores with the old system
and you’re looking for stores that have a receipt with the 5 off 25
that’s actually attached to it
if the coupon is separated from the receipt
that’s the new system and this deal is not for you
follow me for more deals and I hope you score