A Day in the Yard: Clearing Stables and Building Trust with My Beautiful Pony

Spend the day with me and my slave at the yard.
I think some people call them boyfriends,
but I don’t, cause I like to just sit back and watch him do everything.
That was actually a joke. He’s not my slave.
I think people presume like he does everything
because I’m always the one who’s filming.
And I am there, by the way,
believe it or not. But, uh,
anyway, we decided to do clear out of the stables,
because the ponies have been living out,
so the stables have just been left.
Oh, they need a clearing.
But on the bed stand did the hay nets.
And this is me and my slave.
Carry things. When you have a boyfriend?
I don’t know. Yes.
Fury gets his net in the middle of the stable because he’s a pig.
Boys get their nets in the mangers.
I don’t know why. Okay,
we just started doing that.
That’s me doing something.
Breaking the phone for you guys.
Just to show you guys I’m doing something.
Stables already. We thought we’d give them a night inside,
even though it was so hard.
We obviously don’t think straight.
Probably be out in the rain tomorrow night.
Absolute pig of a pony. Still managed to clear that net in half an hour.
That’s not normal. Now here’s my absolute beautiful boy.
Obviously the pony, not Mike.
Believe it or not, the pony is claustrophobic,
so we’re just trying to teach him
like the Doors aren’t gonna come and kill you.
It’s okay.
So it would appear he has trust issues and doesn’t actually believe us.
But we’ll get somewhere eventually.
Goodbye for me and the slave.