Navigating New Horizons: Exploring Greek Alphabet Etymology and Beyond

saw what it is skip me and saw what it only is
welcome again we have entered a new timeline
you guys we are in a new environment
I’ll show you guys my apartment a little bit more once it’s kind of put together
but for now I’ll give you guys a little panorama here from where I am
big Bertha got a little stressed out
we’re gonna be working on her
making sure that she is nice and healthy
and then that’s living room
I’m gonna reorient you and we are gonna talk about the alphabet
actually the etymology of alphabet
I am starting to take Greek alongside my teaching with Latin
to fulfill my grad requirements and such like that
alphabet well
I got it in two colors here
why don’t we go ahead why don’t we call it alphabet again
because that’s where it comes from right
what is the first word or letter rather
in the Greek alphabet it’s an alpha
I don’t know if that’s how you write it or like that
either way skibet
a bop and then bet
what does bet come from no it’s not bet