Dark Romance: A Review of Chokers for the Saucy Character

So this choker has a heart with a– a vine around it.
It’s very romantic, and dark, and twisted.
Definitely something I could see my character in ‘Orphan’ wearing.
You know, saucy.
This one’s super cute.
This one is soft.
The lining underneath the ribbon is not as pleasant to the touch.
It’s a little grainy,
little rough.
It’s a good clasp, though.
I gotta say, good quality clasp.
But the metal is very, very light.
This is like, she’s a little robust, this one.
The lining of this is really soft and beautiful.
A little like, silky.
It’s also heavy. This is very heavy,
definitely heavier.
And then this has two clasps,
so this puppy ain’t going nowhere.
I feel like this one is the more expensive one.
Girl knows her chokers.
Yeah, I had custom ones for ‘Orphan.’