Chasing the Perfect Color: A Story of a Rare 63 Impala SS

You want that color? That’s the color.
Well, it’s just,
I had a 63 Impala SS and I wanted that color.
Yeah. And it looks,
it looks amazing. I mean everybody’s got red,
they got green, they got blue,
they got orange, they got yellow.
I know you’re a numbers guy in the factory and all that stuff.
Is this a special pair? Like,
is this. Well, no.
Okay. This is,
this is, well,
it is. It’s made in Canada car.
Okay. I think they made 22 rags. I,
I ended up with, with two of them.
The reason I drug this thing around for thirty years was a factory
four speed car. I like four speed cars.
And now with the Trammic,
there’s an original 64 console and we’re running a five speed stick.
Okay. And it looks stock.
It is. It’s,
it’s nice, right?