The Simulation of Poverty and Prosperity: An Individual’s Reflections on Generational Wealth Disparities

But what is the simulation?
Is it poverty?
Is it poverty? Is that what it’s trying to get us to simulate? Poverty?
Cause as soon as I fucking got real money,
everything went up 10 x.
When I was fucked up, when I was.
I wasn’t broke, I was fucked up.
My rent was $500.
I had to get two minimum wage jobs.
Now I have a career, a great career.
I make great money.
Rent is 2,000.
It’s $2,000.
It’s 2. I can’t even say it loud.
I don’t wanna fucking wake the universe up.
I don’t wanna wake the fucking creators.
I don’t wanna wake the creators of the simulation up.
The rent is $2,000 and I can afford it,
but it doesn’t seem fair.
I can afford it, but it doesn’t seem fair. Why me?
Fuck that wrong generation shit.
Let me get some of that boomer economy, though.
Let me just get a. Let me borrow some boomer economy.