Building Valuable Experience: How Non-Traditional Work Can Enhance Your CV

So what work experience do you actually have?
Well, tell the truth,
I’ve never really worked a proper job before,
so I don’t have any.
this job is actually the first regular paid job I’ve ever applied for.
I do still have a significant amount of work experience in other areas.
Oh, yes?
Oh, like what?
Over the years, I’ve dog sat for various members of my church,
I’ve volunteered behind the counter at charity shops for four months,
and I’ve worked on the social media team for an entire year
for my school, where I edited several pieces of content every week.
Oh, that’s very good.
Yeah. Although these roles were unpaid,
they allow me to provide value in a variety of different environments
and develop the skills of organization,
customer interaction, customer service,
and teamwork.
Remember, just because you’ve never worked in actual job,
it doesn’t mean you don’t have any work experience to put on your CV.
Any extracurricular activities,
passion projects, or volunteered work can all count.
We gain skills from all of these things
and can use them to sell ourselves in an interview.
Follow to learn how to land your first job.