From Zero to $1,000 in 90 Days: A Comprehensive Guide to Freelancing and Remote Work Success

Okay, so this is the only video you need to watch if you wanna get started with making money, your life with freelancing, remote working, whatever, yada, yada, yada. After this video, nobody should ask me question like, oh, how can I get started with freelancing? You don’t l beginners, what do you do? Nobody should ask me that kind of question again, cuz I’m gonna be detailing everything down in this video.

I, you know, I’m standing on business when I bring my iPad. So let’s get right into it. Okay, so if I was a beginner, yes, I would go for Marvin. No money. So making $1,000 in the next 90 days.

So there are six different steps to do this, right? Which I’m gonna be highlighting each one. And the first one is to learn an in demand skill. The second one is to walk you people to build experience. The third one is to build an audience so you can get leads, which is personal branding. The first one is to get clients and the fifth one is to build processes. And the sixth one is to repeat everything that you’ve been doing.

Now let’s talk about the first one, which is getting an in demand skill now better. A lot of people message me, they’re like, at if I want to be like you, I wanna start working remotely. Like you wanna earn money like you. Why? Those questions are valid. They never stop to ask the most important question, which is, what skill can I offer? What service can I render in exchange for money? For instance, I was a content marketing writer.

Now I’m in social media strategist. I offer social media services to B to B sales brands, right? That is a skill that I’m offering an exchange for money. Now, when it comes to SKUs, the biggest misconception I see is thinking that you only need to quote. If you don’t quote, you would not make money online. That is not true, right? There are so many other things you can do. And I’m gonna be listening like in demand skills for you. You know, there’s data analysis, there’s, you know, graphic design, there’s UIUX, there’s product marketing, there’s business analysis, this cloud development is, you know, growth markets in this technology sales, the cybersecurity.

Now what I want you to do is double down for the next 30 to 45 days and just learn right now. I know you’re probably thinking, okay, I know I need to learn these skills, but where can I learn these skills? So I’m going through utvas website at the moment. I’m definitely so proud, so beautiful. They have so many skills that you can learn from data analysis to UIUX, to product marketing, to business analysis, to programming, cloud developments, product marketing, tech sales, cyber security. You can definitely start to be suited. So I just wanna give a caveat, right? You can definitely learn all these skills for free on YouTube, whatever that Ada, but it definitely takes a lot of time. So let’s say you, you know, land in this Ana, this is for instance, somewhere like receiva can take you like two months, three months. If you’re landing it on your own, can definitely take you a year because you’re going, you’re trying to see through all the information that you’re seeing online. Whereas on somewhere like you see what is like a condensed information for you. And you know, this video I said in 90 days. So if you want to do it like within a short span, alright, Utiva. Okay, so the next step is to work to build experience. So let’s say you’ve Learned your skill on Utiva. Wherever you learn it from, are you already like a little bit good at what you’re doing? The next thing you want to do is build experience. Now I see a lot of people saying when I do not like to walk for free. I would say when you’re starting out, I’m not really averse to working for free. There are two websites I forgotten their name right now, but I’m going to drop them on the page while I’m editing where you can actually volunteer and you’re gonna get experience and I’m gonna give you like, you know, eh, testimonial or LinkedIn. You really need that testimony in order to get paid clients. So I’m gonna drop this website right now. Good day. We should skill Valencia for Ngos, Valencias for, you know, churches and all of that. And then once you do the work for them, they’re gonna give you testimonial. Then you can take the testimonial to actually get clients. Okay. Okay. So now the third step is to build an audience so you can get leads. I feel like a lot of people sleep on this step and this is the best step ever. This step will literally take you from zero to hundred. Instead of you pursuing clients, they will be pursuing you.

Like I’ve gotten to a stage in my life where most of the clients that I work with, they find out about me because, you know, I’m on social media. I talk about what I do. Like people find Mia. That’s what will happen when you build a personal brand. And I always talk about LinkedIn on my page. I talk about how beautiful LinkedIn is. I feel like everybody should be on LinkedIn. And you know why be, you know why LinkedIn is so good? There are not a lot of creators on LinkedIn. So if you can start creating content on LinkedIn, building in public, talking about what you do, your skills, it just, thanks.

Now I see a lot of content on LinkedIn and I laugh cuz those content, you should never create those kind of content. Like, oh, I got married, my daddy, beauty, health, like, who cares? Your content on LinkedIn should position you as three things.

1, you should create content that positions you as an experts, as an authority, not another content are positions you as an empath. So three sets of content, right? So the first content, post content opposition as an expert. So those are like how to tutorials, a positions that you know what you’re talking about. So let’s say a graphic designer, I would love to talk about like how to do certain things, how to do this tutorial on this that makes you look like an expert.

The second type of content is content that positions you as an authority, that you know what you’re talking about. Like there was the time I created the content and I was like, tofu content, which is top of funnel content, does not belong on the blog. The only reason why I can’t talk about that is because I’ve been writing for the past, you know, several years. And, you know, through our entire experience, I can see that top of final content does not belong on the blog. If you want to get results in your content, focus on mofu and bofu, right? That’s a ferry to content.

And the third type of content is kind of content are positions you as an impact like a human. Cuz people buy from people don’t buy from businesses now just because I think content acquisition is a human. Like for instance, this is the lessons I Learned in my businesses and path. You don’t have to toast about your what you ads this morning.

Do you understand now the first step is to get clients on getting jobs. Now there are two ways when it comes to getting clients. You can either want to be employed 95 or be a freelancer going to freelance routes. Somebody ask me this question on your dad and say, what is the difference between a freelancer and a remote worker who is like employed? The difference is the freelancer is not employed, right? You come up for different companies at the same time. An employee is employed, you are not working for any other person at the same time. So it just depends on what you like, you know, what you wanna do differs.

Like I really love the freelance process. I feel like it gives you a lot of freedom and a lot of, you know, control of your time. But if you want like steady income and you’re like, okay, 3,000 US is entry every month, go through the, you know, employee routes. So if you’re a freelancing, you definitely don’t need a resume. You need a portfolio. This is where your experience will come in, like, you know, building a portfolio. If you’re looking for a 9 to 5 row, you need a resume. So this is where you need to build a resume. So depending on what you want to do, depends on what, you know, what kind of stuff you would, you know, build. Okay, so the fifth step is to build processes. This is majorly for people that decided to go to freelance route. If you are an employee, you’re fine. We get in the client and just repeating, you know, learning skills again, like skills are never too much. You should always keep on learning. You’re fine with that. But if you’re a freelancer, you wanna definitely build processes that would help you, you know, with your business. Cuz you’re not right now as a freelancer, you’re not just working with one person, you’re working with five, six, seven, I’m even 10,20 different people at the same time. You want to have processes that will help you really make it efficient in a way. Join the story. I mean, okay, so let me give you any stance of processes, right? So I’m a content creator. Apart from the fact that I’m a social media strategist, my process as a content creator looks like this. So first, when the brand reaches out to me, oh, I reach out to the brand, we jump on. Your code is a questionnaire just to get to know what the brand is asked, like their KPIs goes, whatever that. And then, you know, we look at the brief. If they have one, send it to me, then I do like a script. We send it, I send it back to them. Then there’s like a draft, video draft. They grab their feedbacks and then I, you know, work on it again. And then they say, okay, you can publish it now.

That process can be templatized because as a freelancer, what you’re gonna be doing is mostly gonna be repeatable task, like things that you’re doing again and again, that process can definitely be templatized and it can get to a point where I do not have to take calls with my clients anymore. Somebody else can take it and just give them the exact template again. Like everybody give like 20 clients the exact templates and all I have to do is take the template and somebody can even write the script and I’ll have to just reshoot the videos. Do you understand what I mean? Right now, we can. Ikan lele kamu rambling bofi feeling saya kuat lagi. Gig or two gigs, you would understand what I mean by processes. And I’m gonna touch on this later on, but I’m not really gonna touch on this so much now.

The last step, we’ve gotten to the last step is to repeat everything. So let’s say you’ve gotten an in demand skill, you’ve gotten experience, you’ve built a personnel brand, you’ve gotten your first client, you know, you’ve built your processes. Now what you have to do is keep on repeating Lucy, okay, because I’ve got it to my first $1,000. I have to be complex sense. No, you have to keep on doing it so that you can get to your first $5,000. You get your first $10,000, you can get your first $15,000, get your first $20,000, and that’s how you do it. Alright? Okay.