The Most Dangerous Train Stations in Germany: A Call for Stricter Weapon Laws

What’s the most dangerous place in Germany?
Many of you guys tell me that one of the things you most appreciate
about your new home Germany,
is that you do feel pretty safe here, crimewise.
But there seems to be one dodgy place in almost every city:
Yes, it’s the Hauptbahnhof,
the main train station!
A new police statistic now ranks the most dangerous train stations,
according to this ranking:
these three city train stations are the most dangerous.
When you look at knife attacks,
or these three, if you’re just looking at the first half of this year.
Which is why Germany is now debating if the country needs stricter weapon laws.
Germany’s interior minister says she wants to outlaw knives of certain sizes
in public, but the police union says it’s not enough and really hard to control, anyways.
What do you guys think?