Exploring the Instantaneous Power and Efficiency of Driving an Electric Vehicle

What’s it like driving an E V.
Versus a combustion engine?
The most noticeable thing is everything is instantaneous.
So you put your foot down and it takes off.
And that’s because it’s electric,
so it’s kinda like a light switch.
The power is just always there.
The next thing you’ll notice is
when you take your foot off the accelerator,
you begin to slow down.
Which is a very weird sensation the first five or 10 times it happens,
but you do get used to it.
Now, what that is,
is it’s a thing called regenerative braking.
And what that means is it uses the energy of the car slowing down
to recoup power. And then,
I guess, top up your battery and stuff.
So it’s a very efficient thing.
It can be switched off. But to be honest,
after two or three hours driving the car,
you get very, very used to it.