Love Knows No Distance: A Heartwarming Long-Distance Surprise

Recently, I was,
I was having a bit of a hard week
and my partner and I are in a long distance relationship.
So he came up with this really cute surprise
and had a mate that lives in Melbourne
go around my neighbourhood and put paste UPS of his face
and above his face in big capitals it said missing,
kinda like a missing person’s ad.
And then in small font under his photo it said you so much.
And it was like, um,
just a huge surprise. I didn’t know for sure that I would even see it,
but I live near a main street
and it was literally on every like sign post,
lamp post. And so
I just remember
I was heading to work one day and I was at the traffic lights
and I just looked up and saw his face looking back at me
and it was like, I just had a bit of a cry.
It was nice. That is like romance is not dead,
you know, he’s such a die hard romantic,
I think in an old school sense.
So more of that, please.
Okay. Yes,
literally, you have heard it from Bonnie and Bonnie’s boyfriend.
That is now the bar that has been set and I expect nothing less.