Beyond the Wall of Fear: Embracing the Journey to Inner Liberation and Collective Understanding

Fear can be like a wall, like a barrier. Especially when we talk about fears that are originating in the mind. Images, even intuitions that are being conjured up. If you notice, for example, sitting in a dark room alone. Miss her, to feel and interpret fear around you, and even a feeling of maybe fear of being destroyed or taken over by those fears, fear of the unknown, fear of the what if. Could also recognize that wall or that barrier of those fears is something that you’re actually able to move through and beyond. You know the saying, everything lies beyond your fear. Everything is beyond her fear. There’s a lot of truth, at least I found in that scene. And it’s one of the harder things to do, if not the hardest in some ways, to really face fears, to really face them, see them and move through them. But it’s worth it because a lot of those fears are walls of the old programs coming up to keep you in something. And sometimes when there’s a lot of fears coming up, a lot of fears, phases where you feel a lot of fear, it’s because you are expanding, you’re growing, you’re moving into what you want, you’re moving into the new program, the thing that you’ve been manifesting, the intention you’ve been setting, the new life, the new paradigm, and those fears are coming up to stop you, to keep you in the old one. That’s a lot of the old paradigms and programs are based in fear. They were created out of fear, especially in our society today. So of course, it’s designed with fear in mind.

But remember, this is something I had to remind myself. It’s not us first them, unless you want it to be, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s not. They are doing this to us. They are against us. The government, religion, society, yeah, it’s there, but it’s still a part of us. It’s still a part of our own psychology, our own collective psyche, our own energy or makeup. It is us. We are. It is us. And to really make peace or to recognize that part of ourself, that is also another way to face fear. Most fears originate from the psychology of us, manifestations of our own psychology. And that can go even deeper. I was just talking about that tonight with vampires and how they are connected to narcissism, innocent. You know, there’s so many representations in the supernatural of our own psyche. How they’re connected, it’s up to your perception, frequency, manifestations, metaphor, whatever.

This is not a rule of thumb. It doesn’t mean every situation. This can be nuanced. But recognizing that sometimes those fears not oftentimes are that wall of that program that you are hitting can be very liberating, okay? And also seeing that this idea of war, this war mindset of like forces that are against us, remember there’s proton neutron, there’s always the and they move together to make one Yin Yang, they move together to make one. It’s the way this universe is, the way the reality works. So these forces are here for us, and we are here for them. We work together as a unit, together as a whole to keep some semblance of balance and we move up together as a whole. Don’t know if it makes a lot of sense, but hopefully it helps someone. 4,1,4 on the clock.