Decoding the Layers of AI: From Technology to Infrastructure to Application

I wanna make a more in depth video about AI
so if you’re into very basic kind of content
keep scrolling but
if you wanna spend two minutes
learning the kind of stuff that I teach to executives
when they hire me to help them with their strategy
then you should invest those two minutes to hear this
so a lot of people especially when they are like big managers
they wanna understand how AI is going to impact them,
The ecosystem
how is it gonna be integrated in companies
where is the industry going
I always tell them that first of all
AI is such a huge concept
and right now we are at the beginning of this revolution
and we are creating two different layers
which is the layer of the technology
these are the different large language models like Open AI
GPT 4 o or Metas Llama
this kind of stuff. There is a new layer
which is the infrastructure layer
this is the way that people can access those models
cause you see I don’t think the future
is that every company is gonna run
their own large language model
there are gonna be companies that provide infrastructure
this is exactly what happened already with the cloud
Today Coca Cola doesn’t have their own freaking data center
they buy it from AWS
from Google Cloud
in the same way
big companies are gonna have to interact
with who’s providing the infrastructure
which are again
the companies that are gonna provide the LLMs in an easy way to integrate
and then the 3rd layer so technology infrastructure product
when it comes to product we are really in the early days
all the products that are out today
like ChatGPT for instance
the ones that at least everybody talks about
they are generic products
they are like Microsoft Excel
so they try to cater to every possible use case that people may have
which is not a good product strategy
cause if your product is for everybody
then it’s for nobody
but it’s the early days
those companies don’t know yet what are the best use cases possible
therefore they make products that are generic and can be flexible
and can be adopted by anybody
so what is the future
where are we going
well the future is definitely if you
unless you’re a tech company okay
I’m assuming you are not Google
the future for you is in this third layer
is in the application layer
is in finding these cases that could really gain value from AI
and obviously right now some of those use cases are bad
cause we’re still in the discovery face
and so the company that investing those bad use cases are gonna fail
and yes there is a bubble for these ones
but at the same time we still need to give the technology some time to be
to find the right use cases to build those products
and then therefore to start giving value and creating real yeah
real value you know what I’m talking about
so this concept of technology
and application or product is something not a lot of people think about
and if you understand it’s really gonna change the way that you see AI
now I’m gonna host a webinar
and we’re gonna go deeper into this topic
so if you stay until now you really should subscribe to these webinar
just go on the link in my bio where you can see all the past ones as well
and you can book your spot in the next one
I hope I’m gonna see you there Ciao