Title: Navigating Workplace Appreciation: A Guide to Finding Recognition and Success

Your workplace does not appreciate your efforts,
or your manager keeps passing you over for that promotion.
What do you do? First of all,
go back to that feedback loop.
First thing you need to do
is make sure that you’re hearing the feedback
and acting on the feedback.
Secondly, find someone else in the organization.
Maybe it’s HR, maybe it’s a colleague.
Really open up with your concerns
that you feel like you’re doing everything right.
Ask them if they have any feedback for you.
And if you don’t think that there’s a path to success,
see if they can recommend alternative paths to success
within the company. Number three,
if those two things fail and you really don’t feel appreciated,
and you don’t feel that you can work hard enough
to actually get that recognition,
you have to go find another job.
Why are you wasting time
in an environment that you feel like you’re doing everything right
and they are not appreciating you?
So if you’ve taken a look at the feedback,
you’ve sought feedback from other sources,
and that is not moving the dial for you,
you have to move on. I’m sorry,
but it’s true. And I mean,
don’t waste any more time there.
Put your talent somewhere that you can maintain self respect
and be appreciated
and really feel like you have purpose and accomplishment.
So important. I hope that’s helpful
in case you needed to hear that today.